Hey everyone! I am so happy that you chose me with your decision-making. It is almost time for some of you to choose what college you will attend, and I wanted to create a brief post in order to help you with your decision-making.
All schools have problems. No school is perfect.
When I was a senior in high school, I did not really know the differences between a Historically Black College and University and a Predominately White Institution. Below are some differences.
Dorms: PWI way better dorms than an HBCU.
Food: PWI more food choices than an HBCU.
Family: HBCU is more of a family than a PWI.
Professors: Professors have more love at an HBCU.
Diversity: More people of color at an HBCU.
Support: More support at an HBCU.
Overall, an HBCU is what you make it! Yes, the dorms could be better and food, but the experience is worthwhile. Good luck with your decision-making!