Thinking of starting a blog? Don’t know exactly where to start?
This summer I started WORDS FRO MO! I love to write,talk,and motivate. At an early age,I noticed something in me. I have never been like everyone else. I have always had this unique thing in me. I could never really put my hands on it. I have seen so many people start blogs. I have seen lots of people start trends that were not quite like others,and have gotten inspired to do so myself. So enough about me! Here are some tips on starting a blog,what I have learned thus far!
Search for a site in order to start your blog. I recommend wordpress,but everyone has their own preference.
Understand that you do not have to have money to start a blog. That is what stopped me in the first place, money. I wanted my voice to be heard,but had no concrete budget to do so.
Have quality content. I recommend writing things that have never been written. Make your blog different from others. Why should I visit your website out of the millions of other people?
Get people to promote on their social media for you. Some of my views come because I have people promoting for me as well as myself. Do not forget to promote yourself!
Patience. This is something that I have had the most problems with! I question myself all of the time! I get about one to three views per post not even per day. Then I realize one is better than none,and I am just starting my website so nothing will change over night. Just stay faithful,and KEEP going.
Be willing to learn from yourself.
Good Luck on your new hobby,it is totally worth it! Until Mo post, peace,love,and motivation!